Health & Safety

Gardner believes that its employees are its most valuable resource and that their health, safety and welfare is of paramount importance.

Gardner recognises health and safety as an integral part of its business performance by preventing workplace injuries and ill health, protecting the environment and reducing unnecessary losses and liabilities, and considers the successful management to be a key management objective.

Gardner is committed to:

  • Compliance with all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements
  • The provision and maintenance of all plant, work equipment and safe systems of work
  • The safety and absence of risk to health in connection with the use, storage and transport of articles and substances
  • The provision of suitable information, instruction, training and supervision
  • A safe place of work, together with suitable means of access and exit
  • The provision of emergency arrangements and facilities
  • Continual improvement in all areas of health and safety management

All employees are required to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions and cooperate with Gardner to ensure compliance with all legislative requirements and standards.

All business functions, sites and employees are expected to carry out their duties within the context of Gardner’s commitment to achieving high standards of health and safety in the workplace.

The Gardner Board is committed to developing a culture that supports the management of health and safety at all levels and shall ensure the necessary financial and physical resources, the competency of its employees and the provision of any necessary expert advice in order to support the health and safety policy.

Gardner’s health and safety performance objectives will be monitored continuously and will be subject to regular audits.


The responsibility for implementing health safety measures lies with each one of us. At every Gardner location the site manager or director will ensure health, safety and environmental issues are effectively managed.