Gardner Aerospace provides end-to-end vertically integrated in-house manufacturing capabilities to reduce the need for sub-contracting. Our well invested facilities enable the production of a wide range of detailed parts and complex multi-product work packages. Gardner prides itself in investing in capabilities to increase efficiency, repeatability and quality through structured NPI (New Part Introduction) programs and has a reputation focused on our delivery and responsiveness levels.
We operate a truly global service with local expertise near shore whilst leveraging the commercial benefits of a global manufacturing footprint. Our ‘lead site’ philosophy offers a ‘local for local’ interface whilst providing the benefits of single points of contacts.
Our broad manufacturing capabilities worldwide enable time to production to be reliably supported whilst offering a true two site de-risk strategy for disaster recovery.
Gardner produces parts ranging from ¼ inch to 26 metres in length and can produce assemblies ranging from five to 750 components. Whether our customers are looking for bespoke solutions to complex problems or mass-manufacturing and processing for existing components, our teams have the experience and expertise to implement these projects.